Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Heart Shaped Biscuits

This is very kitsch, I love it!

60g Butter
1/2 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract
1/4 Cup Icing Sugar mixture
1 egg separated
1/2 cup plain flower
1/2 cup Self Raising flour
2 teaspoons milk

you can add some choc chips, nuts or sultanas for a little something extra

grab a small bowl and place the butter, extract, icing sugar and egg yolk and beat with an electric mixer until smooth. Sift flours into bowl and add just enough milk to make a soft dough.

Lightly flour your bench and knead the dough until smooth cover with cling wrap and refrigerate for 20 mins.

Roll dough between sheets of baking paper until about 3mm thick. Cut with heart shaped cutters and place on greased oven tray about 3 cm apart.

Bake in mod oven for about 12 mins or until lightly browned. cool on trays. Delicately ice with coloured icing!


Chocolate Fondue

I have heard of many different ways to do a chocolate fondue, I like to keep it simple, it is a simple dessert that is moreish and messy who wants to make it harder then it should be?


Dark Chocolate
Milk Chocolate
for an special touch (anything you like, a nice liqueur, chopped nuts, even some cut up snickers bars & bounty's are great melted through)

Dippers- Make sure you put them onto the fondue sticks or for a cheaper option wooden
skewers work just as well. Make sure all the pieces are chopped into bite sized pieces

You can really dip anything into chocolate (I would eat chocolate covered dirt) Here are my favourites...

Strawberries, bananas, marshmallows, jelly babies or red frogs (trust me), orange and biscotti

Now for the fun part Break the chocolate into small pieces into a glass bowl. Boil water in a saucepan and place the glass bowl over the saucepan stirring constantly. When it is all melted you can pour the chocolate sauce into a fondue pot or simply dip straight into the bowl! Enjoy